Beat those winter blues

Winter Blues advice from permanent makeup specialist Rebecca Jayne

Beating the winter blues

As we go through the coldest time of the year especially as we prepare for Christmas, our nights are longer and we start the countdown for the summer! So it’s not surprising that we start to feel those winter blues set in. Over the last few weeks, we have been chatting to our clients & discussing remedies to help us through the winter months.

So here are our top 5 favourites for an instant pick me up

 1. Dose up on vitamin D:

Possibly the most powerful remedy, so we decided to put it as our number one! 1 in 5 people in the UK are low in vitamin D, vitamin D comes from a chemical reaction in our body derived from the sun so it’s no surprise this number rises during winter. Symptoms such as tiredness, aches & pains as quite a common start to the winter blues and generally not feeling well. So a top up of vitamin D in a daily tablet is just what you need, studies show that after taking one tablet a day you feel more alert, less tired and generally brighter.

We found these powerful vitamins are the perfect supplement, as they contain a high dose of vitamin D and the tiny tablets are easy to take 🙂

 2. Book a holiday:

Do we need to say anymore on this one, book some time away to just relax and read a good book you will come back feeling refreshed and relaxed ready to celebrate Christmas or maybe just after Christmas, something else to look forward to as you approach January, throughout the year we offer a wide range of beauty treatments to prep you for your holiday

 3. Exercise:

Being outside in the fresh air and natural light is a great way to make you feel better during the cold winter months, swimming is great for toning, going for a light run or brisk walk for just 30 minutes a day is all you need.

Or for those of you that don’t want to exercise outside or have limited time then we have found the perfect at home workout for you, Yoga with Adriene (Yoga Camp) is a great way to work out at home without going to the gym. Adrienne’s relaxed approach is a great introduction to your yoga practice:

 4. Indulge yourself:

Being beauty experts we all know how your skin, hair & nails can become dry during winter so why not come & enjoy one of our treatments, a manicure or pedicure will really perk you up and have you feeling party ready, click on this link for our treatment menu 

 5. Eat Healthy:

This goes hand in hand with exercise, but it is so true that you are what you eat. If your diet consists of fatty foods and takeaways then your bound to feel sluggish and tired all the time, but if you eat lots of protein, fruit & veg you will naturally feel ready to then maybe save the over indulgence for your Christmas meal! Foods like dark leafy greens, pomegranates, citrus fruits, potatoes & winter squash are all loaded with vitamin C, B6 & antioxidants and are fantastic to get you through winter, give them a try.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the read, and find our remedies useful to help you through the winter months 🙂

Rebecca Jaynes xxx