Plasma Fibroblast Treatment FAQ

Plasma FAQ’s

What is Plasma?

The plasma treatment involves several very small traumas to the skin using a small electrical spark. These traumas heat the water content within the skin, this causes the collagen fibres within the skin to tighten and reduce wrinkles and sagging skin.

Is there any reason I would be unsuitable for this treatment?

We cannot treat clients who are…

  • pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have a pacemaker
  • Have uncontrolled diabetes

There are other illnesses and medications that can limit treatment, but this is discussed in consultation and may just mean that you need to provide a doctor’s note to be eligible.

How long will the treatment take?

The average treatment time is about 60 minutes, this includes 25 minutes of consultation and numbing time, however, this can be slightly shorter or longer dependant on the size of the area being treated.

Is the treatment painful?

You will be numbed before the treatment with a topical anaesthetic, however, this will not make the treatment completely pain free. Most clients will experience a mild but bearable discomfort. The eye area can be more uncomfortable but again, bearable. Immediately after the treatment clients usually find that the skin can feel tight, warm and slightly tender.

How long does healing take and what should I expect?

The day after treatment, clients should expect to be swollen (particularly when treating the eye area) and experience minor pain and soreness, this tends to go down in 1-2 days. A cold (but not freezing) compress can be used, and keeping the body moving to improve blood flow can help with this.

Clients will have several small scabs (eschars) all over the treated area, this is where we have used the electric spark. These tend to come away at about day 5, however, every client will heal at different rates and it is extremely important to let these come away when they are ready and not to pick or try and remove them as this can result in scarring. It is important to completely avoid the sun and artificial light sources such as sunbeds whilst the skin is still healing. Once the scabs have come away we recommend using a sun protector, which will combat the risk of pigmentation occurring after treatment.

The skin will also be red and can be dry whilst it is healing this can take a few weeks to go down. Coconut oil can be used to help with the dryness, but it is recommended that you wait for all of the heat to subside before applying this.

Most clients will find that they are healed and see results in 2 weeks, however, it can take up to 6 weeks, and we recommend waiting at least 6 weeks before having another plasma treatment.

As with any procedure the healing time and reactions can vary hugely dependant on the client and area that has been treated, after the plasma treatment we will be in contact to remind you of what to expect and each stage in the healing process and we encourage clients to keep in touch and let us know of any concerns they may have whilst healing. We will also book in a catch up 4 weeks after treatment to see your results.

How many sessions will I need and how long will my results last?

This can depend on each individual client and their expectations, some may see results that they are happy with after one, for others it may take 2 or 3 sessions. This can be discussed in a free of charge 30-minute consultation. The results of this treatment are not entirely permanent as it will not prevent future ageing, which is why we recommend having the treatment once every 12-18 months to keep up with your results.

If you have any other questions about this treatment, feel free to call the salon and book a free of charge 30-minute consultation.